
There are two kinds of custody: legal custody and physical custody. Custody battles most often arise and are addressed in a divorce or separation, however, often times, the parties have never married, have had a child, and have since separated leaving custody and visitation issues open and needing to be addressed by the Court. And sometimes, circumstances warrant a modification of custody.
Wouldn’t it be great to not have to worry about preparing your custody documents and just be able to devote all of your time and energy to your children? If so, simply fill-out the Custody questionnaire, whether it’s the initiation of a case or a modification of an existing case, and we will be happy to assist you and help alleviate some of the stress involved regarding custody issues.
Our 3-Step process is quick, easy and affordable.
Fill-out the Questionnaire.
Pay the invoice via PayPal.
Receive your completed documents, along with simplified instructions for filing.